Volume 10 Issue 2
Research Article Open Access
Native valve salvage for post-traumatic tricuspid regurgitation
Pages 276 - 278
Research Article Open Access
The influence of ventricular input impedance on the hydrodynamic performance of bioprosthetic aortic roots in vitro
Pages 269 - 275
Research Article Open Access
In-vitro measurements of the regurgitation of mechanical mitral heart valve prostheses in case of atrial fibrillation
Pages 264 - 268
Research Article Open Access
Computational fluid dynamics study of a protruded-hinge bileaflet mechanical heart valve
Pages 254 - 263
Research Article Open Access
Digital particle image velocimetry investigation of the pulsating flow around a simplified 2-D model of a bileaflet heart valve
Pages 239 - 253
Research Article Open Access
The sensitivity of indicators of thrombosis initiation to a bileaflet prosthesis leakage stimulus
Pages 228 - 238
Research Article Open Access
Low-dose aprotinin in heart valve reoperations
Pages 222 - 227
Research Article Open Access
Fracture embolization of a Tekna mitral prosthesis: case report
Pages 219 - 221
Research Article Open Access
Risks of fracture of Björk-Shiley 60 degree convexo-concave prosthetic heart valves: long-term cohort follow up in the UK, Netherlands and USA
Pages 202 - 209
Research Article Open Access
The CarboMedics supraannular top hat valve improves prosthesis size in the aortic root
Pages 196 - 201
Research Article Open Access
Long-term results with St. Jude Medical and CarboMedics prosthetic heart valves
Pages 185 - 194
Research Article Open Access
Twelve years' clinical experience with the CarboMedics prosthetic heart valve
Pages 177 - 184
Research Article Open Access
Echocardiographic assessment and preliminary clinical results after aortic valve replacement with the Medtronic Mosaic bioprosthesis.
Pages 171 - 176
Research Article Open Access
Hemodynamics of semilunar valves at rest and exercise at an average of more than two years after the Ross procedure
Pages 169 - 170
Research Article Open Access
Beneficial effects of nicorandil versus enalapril in chronic rheumatic severe mitral regurgitation: six months follow up echocardiographic study.
Pages 158 - 165
Research Article Open Access
Pages 153 - 157
Research Article Open Access
Major and minor axes of the normal mitral annulus.
Pages 146 - 152
Research Article Open Access
Echocardiographic assessment of the normal mitral annular size.
Pages 143 - 145
Research Article Open Access
Self-reported quality of life and health among Björk-Shiley convexo-concave prosthetic heart valve patients
Pages 58 - 110
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