Volume:2 Issue 4
Commentary Article
In response to: Gometza B, Kumar N, Prabhakar G, Galio R, Kandeel M, Duran CMG. The challenge of valve surgery in a developing population
Pages 487 - 9
Case Report
Late outcome of valve replacement with the Cross-Jones caged-lens prosthesis
Pages 485 - 6
Case Report
Aorto-left atrial fistula in prosthetic aortic endocarditis
Pages 481 - 4
Case Report
Corrected transposition of the great arteries. Repair of regurgitant tricuspid, mitral and pulmonary valves
Pages 478 - 80
Review Article
The management of severe adherence of mediastinal structures to the sternum during cardiac reoperations
Pages 476 - 7
Review Article
Assessing the severity of aortic valve stenosis by spectral analysis of cardiac murmurs (spectral vibrocardiography). Part II: Clinical aspects
Pages 468 - 75
Review Article
Assessing the severity of aortic valve stenosis by spectral analysis of cardiac murmurs (spectral vibrocardiography). Part I: Technical aspects
Pages 454 - 67
Research Article
Non-destructive evaluation techniques for prosthetic heart valves based on hologram interferometry. Part II: Experimental results and clinical implications
Pages 448 - 53
Research Article
Non-destructive evaluation techniques for prosthetic heart valves based on hologram interferometry. Part I
Pages 440 - 7
Research Article
Prognosis of valve replacement for aortic stenosis with or without coexisting coronary heart disease: a comparative study
Pages 430 - 9
Review Article
Will randomized trials detect random valve failure? Reflections on a recent FDA workshop
Pages 424 - 9
Case Report
Long term survival without anticoagulation after aortic valve replacement with a Lillehei-Kaster prosthesis. A case report
Pages 420 - 2
Mini Review Article
German experience with low intensity anticoagulation (GELIA): protocol of a multi-center randomized, prospective study with the St. Jude Medical valve
Pages 411 - 9
Research Article
Guidelines for prevention of thromboembolic events in valvular heart disease. Ad Hoc Committee of the Working Group on Valvular Heart Disease, European Society of Cardiology
Pages 398 - 410
Short Communication
Thromboembolic events in prosthetic valve recipients: what is the safe level of anticoagulation?
Pages 395 - 7
Review Article
Partial inclusion aortic root replacement with the pulmonary autograft valve
Pages 388 - 94
Short Commentary Article
Aortic valve implantation techniques--should they be any different for the pulmonary autograft and the aortic homograft?
Pages 385 - 7
Short Commentary Article
Aortic valve implantation techniques--should they be any different for the pulmonary autograft and the aortic homograft?
Pages 385 - 7
Review Article
Aortic infective endocarditis managed by the Ross procedure
Pages 380 - 4
Review Article
The Ross procedure in a young rheumatic population: early clinical and echocardiographic profile
Pages 376 - 9
Review Article
Pulmonary autograft--past, present, and futurePulmonary autograft--past, present, and future
Pages 365 - 75
Short Communication
Reflections on the pulmonary autograft
Pages 363 - 4
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