Volume 18 Issue 6
Research Article Open Access
Unicuspid aortic valve in a patient with Streptococcus bovis endocarditis
Pages 731 - 732
Research Article Open Access
Beating-heart aortic valve replacement following total arterial revascularization
Pages 730 - 731
Research Article Open Access
A normally functioning caged-ball mitral prosthesis after 37 years without warfarin therapy
Pages 729 - 730
Research Article Open Access
Tricuspid valve replacement for carcinoid heart disease to allow liver transplantation
Pages 728 - 729
Research Article Open Access
Imaging of caseous calcification of the mitral annulus
Pages 726 - 727
Research Article Open Access
Eustachian valve endocarditis: a rare complication of automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator placement
Pages 723 - 725
Research Article Open Access
Lipomatous tumor of the tricuspid valve: report of a rare case
Pages 720 - 722
Research Article Open Access
Delayed aortic regurgitation caused by a right coronary stent protruding into the aorta
Pages 717 - 719
Research Article Open Access
Successful catheter-based valve-in-valve implantation for a regurgitant stentless bioprosthesis
Pages 713 - 716
Research Article Open Access
Recurrent infective endocarditis with uncommon Gram-negative Pasteurella multocida and Pseudomonas aeruginosa: a case report
Pages 710 - 713
Research Article Open Access
Results of a propensity score-matched comparison of the Perimount Magna and Mosaic Ultra aortic valve prostheses
Pages 703 - 711
Research Article Open Access
Sutureless Perceval S aortic valve replacement: a multicenter, prospective pilot trial
Pages 698 - 702
Research Article Open Access
An alternative option for elderly patients with a small aortic annulus: the 16 mm ATS valve
Pages 691 - 697
Research Article Open Access
Biomechanical perspective on the porcine pulmonary root prior to Ross remodeling
Pages 682 - 690
Research Article Open Access
Anti-HLA antibodies and pulmonary valve allograft function after the Ross procedure
Pages 673 - 681
Research Article Open Access
How important is the anti-Gal antibody response following the implantation of a porcine bioprosthesis?
Pages 671 - 672
Research Article Open Access
Evaluation of aortic root and valve calcifications by multi-detector computed tomography
Pages 662 - 670
Research Article Open Access
P38 MAP kinase in valve interstitial cells is activated by angiotensin II or nitric oxide/peroxynitrite, but reduced by Toll-like receptor-2 stimulation
Pages 653 - 661
Research Article Open Access
Apelin and its receptor APJ in human aortic valve stenosis
Pages 644 - 652
Research Article Open Access
Evaluation of aortic valve stenosis by cardiac multislice computed tomography compared with echocardiography: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Pages 634 - 643
Research Article Open Access
Association between mitral and aortic valve calcification and preferential left or right coronary artery disease
Pages 627 - 633
Research Article Open Access
Initial experience with dual antiplatelet thromboprophylaxis using clopidogrel and aspirin in patients with mechanical aortic prostheses
Pages 617 - 626
Research Article Open Access
Results of atrial fibrillation ablation during mitral surgery in patients with poor electro-anatomical substrate
Pages 607 - 616
Research Article Open Access
Regurgitant flow in ischemic and dilative mitral regurgitation
Pages 598 - 606
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