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Review Article | Volume 4 Issue 2 (, 1998) | Pages 187 - 191
Orthotopic pulmonary valve replacement with a homograft
Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.
Under a Creative Commons license
PMID : -8556181
March 16, 1995

Eight pulmonary valve replacements (PVR) have been performed from January 1992 to October 1994. Three patients (mean age 7.7 years, range two to 16 years) had absent pulmonary valve with tetralogy of Fallot and underwent primary PVR at the time of surgical correction. Five other patients, who had correction of tetralogy of Fallot (four cases) and of double outlet right ventricle with ventricular septal defect and pulmonary stenosis (one case), were reoperated for pulmonary regurgitation with progressive right ventricular dysfunction. Mean age at the time of reoperation was 18 years (range seven to 34 years). There was no early death. Early postoperative recovery was satisfactory in all of them. The follow up ranges from six to 35 months (mean 19 months). Seven patients were in functional class I and one in functional class II when they were last evaluated in the out-patient department and five of them were off diuretics and vasodilator. In the presence of right ventricular dysfunction pulmonary regurgitation is poorly tolerated. A competent and non-obstructive pulmonary valve is often life saving in these critically ill patients.




How to cite: Saha, K., Iyer, K. S., Sharma, R., Bhan, A., Airan, B., & Venugopal, P. (1995). Orthotopic pulmonary valve replacement with a homograft. The Journal of heart valve disease4(2), 187–191.

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